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Usually there is a technology or data pain point that drives business leaders to say, "enough is enough". Whether you need to re-evaluate your current software systems, want to revolutionize your business using leading edge technology, or require analytics to gain business insight, Scalesology has you covered. 


With over 25 years' experience in applications development, system integration, and data analytics, Scalesology works with your team to understand your business needs and define the gaps in your current environment that inhibit your business from meeting its goals. We identify the capabilities and limitations of proposed technologies to indicate the best path forward. We are technology agnostic, so we won't be pushing specific solutions to receive a finder's fee.


Below is the general format of a Technology Needs Assessment:


  • Executive team/key stakeholders kick off meeting

  • Business requirements definition

  • Technology and/or Analytic requirements exploration

  • Technology and/or Analytic solution recommendation 

  • Joint meeting to review findings, create alignment, and review recommendations


Scalesology serves as an unbiased 3rd party for clients who need a resource to help determine the best solutions and long-term implementation road map. 

Evaluate your business' technology needs, understand your current gaps, 
and scale your data and systems for the future.

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