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Freight Inspection picture


This Freight Inspection Company needed help maintaining and upgrading their operations portal and associated processes. The company reached out to Scalesology to do a full assessment of their portal and processes and then roll out the changes discussed. The freight inspection company not only wanted to resolve their issues identified during their assessment but wanted to ensure that anyone using their system whether it be a customer, inspector, or staff member, was able to have a seamless and easy process.



Scalesology performed a detailed analysis of the Freight Inspection Company’s customer operational portal and gave a full report of all findings and recommendations to the company. Phase two then began where Scalesology migrated their portal to the cloud and assumed maintenance of it. Next, Scalesology worked on support for the company. This support has included email migration, implementation of best practices, along with helping with issues the company encounters through a support portal ticketing system. This way any inspectors or staff who need help or need to report a bug or glitch were able to notify Scalesology at any time easily and efficiently.



The Freight Inspection Company portal is now running in a well-managed environment and is undergoing continuous improvement. The company has support that is available to them at any time, and they now have a new email platform with all best practices in place. The Freight Inspection Company is extremely happy with the improvements made and how they can go about their day-to-day work life in a more efficient and seamless way.





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